RSVP QIMR Please, confirm your QMIR Visit and Lab Tour and Lunch numbers – for our visit on Tuesday June 18 Responses so far: NamesAttendLab TourLunchQMIR to BistroAny CommentsNamesAttendLab TourLunchQMIR to BistroAny Comments Please submit your attendance responses using the form below so Josephine can submit names to QIMR and book a lunch table. Transport preference survey is so a transport and car pooling strategy can be developed for the journey from QIMR to Lunch OIMR Visit & Lunch - Tues 18th June First Name/s*Attendance Preferences Please enter number attending QIMR visit (0 if not attending)*________________________________ Number attending the Lab Tour component (0 if not attending) Unavailable for those with restricted mobility Closed in shoes required * ________________________________ Number attending Lunch at Victoria Park Bistro(0 if not attending)*************************Transport PreferencesPlease respond so we can develop a transport strategy Transport QIMR Herston to Vic Park Bistro*Will have car at HerstonHappy to walk 800m to BistroSeeking ride to BistroOther please state Optional CommentSubmitReset Return to QIMR Page >>>