Murder Mystery

Our Monday Night Activity is a Murder Mystery Party with our Pasta Dinner!


The Storyline is as follows:

Four days ago, restauranteur Giuseppe (Pepi) Roni was found murdered in the kitchen of his renowned New York City eatery, La Speranza. Pepi had been shot in the back with his own pistol. Tonight, his family and friends have gathered to pay their respects to poor Pepi and to eat a feast of Italian food in his honor. One of them is a murderer.


Cast, Characters and Costumes

  CastCharacter      CharacterCostume Ideas
Rocco Scarfazzi
Pepi’s twin brother, a tough-talking, no-nonsense Italian businessman. In addition to his vineyards and real estate holdings, it is rumored Rocco is in the’laundering’ business. He had no love for his brother Pepi, but his reasons are his own… Capiche? 
Black three-piece suit, white shirt, black hat and cane. Limousine optional.
Marco Roni
Pepi and Mama Rosa’s only son, Marco was expected to take over the restaurant after his parents retired. Marco hates waiting tables. His goal is to play on a World Cup soccer team, but his papa has been keeping him permanently on the bench.
Soccer player’s uniform. Waiter’s apron optional.
Ricky Cota
A waiter at Pepi Roni restaurant La Speranza. He’s worked there for more than 15 years and never had a pay rise.
White or red t.shirt, waiters apron. Black/grey moustache. Red/green neckerchief.
Terri Cotta
Ricky and Pammy Cotta’s 2nd daughter and Marco Roni’s girlfriend. Terri resents that she and Marco are still  waiters and blamed Pepi for keeping them tied to working at the restaurant.
Waitress outfit but she likes to look a bit different to other waitresses and draw attention to herself.  She often wears a big flower in her hair and bright jewelery.
Tara Misu
Tara is Rocco’s vivacious young fiancée. She was an upstairs maid in Rocco’s villa until she swept him off his feet. Now, Tara keeps a smile on Rocco’s face and a firm grasp on his assets.
Tara is dressed to kill. She knows the effect she has on men and flaunts her charms shamelessly. 
Angel Roni
Angel is Pepi and Rosa’s beautiful daughter. It was Pepi’s dream that his Angel’ would marry a good Italian boy, have children and carry on the family traditions. Angel has a few fantasies of her own, and one of them is that hunk, Bo Jalais. Mama-mia! 
Angel is in mourning, so her short leather skirt is black, complemented with a tight black sweater. She loves gold jewelry
Mama Rosa 
Pepi’s grieving widow. For 25 years, Mama Rosa cooked the pasta while Pepi greeted La Speranza’s dinner guests. In all the years they were married, not once did they argue. Had something finally boiled over in Rosa’s kitchen?
Widow’s black. Pots and ladling spoons optional.
Sophia Snoren
Mamma Rosa’s famous sister and close confidant.  While Rosa and Pepi didn’t argue publicly Sophia knew exactly why and was not a fan of Pepi.
Sophia likes to be noticed, even on sad occasions. So a hint of Hollywood glamour needed. She loves beautiful scarves.
Clair Voyant
Rosa’s friend and astrology advisor, Clair’s talents include an ability to communicate with the spirit world and to see into the future.
Clair wears a gypsy-style gown with excessive makeup. She talks with a husky voice.
Pamy Cotta
Worked as a chef at Pepi Roni restaurant for 20 years. Married to a much younger man, Ricky Cotta. 
White blouse, trousers, red chefs hat and a big pinny.
Father Al Fredo
An Italian priest and long-time family friend of the Ronis and the Scarfazzis. The good priest has heard their confessions and knows their sins.
Priest’s cassock and hat. An overnight bag with at least one bottle of wine (for religious purposes only).
Bo Jalais
A cousin of a cousin of Rocco’s, Bo manages the Scarfazzi vineyards. Bo comes from a long line of French wine makers, and no one knows ‘ze’ grape like Bo. An important man in the Scarfazzi organization… What could Bo possibly have to whine about?
Bo typically wears a beret and a casual sports jacket over a black t-shirt. Grape-stained fingers and an eye for fine wines complete his ensemble.
Antonio Marconi
Another cousin of Rocco.  A computer wiz , always wanted to work in Silicon Valley, a big tennis fan. 
Tennis outfit, but he’s never sure whether to support Italy or USA in the colours his tennis outfits.
Panna Cotta
Panna is the first daughter of Ricky and Pammy. A beautiful young lady.
Panna  doesn’t wear black even at funeral parties. It doesn’t suit her. So something glamorous to show off her beauty. She loves big earrings and jewellery. She loves riding on her Vespa scooter with its Italian flags flying in the wind.

Character Relationships and Interactions

Check this link or the image below to see a simplified summary of the relationships and interactions between the characters.