Monday 10th July
12:15 pm for Lunch
Tour of QIMR Berghofer, Herston
QIMR 300 Herston Rd, Herston
Lunch at Victoria Park Bistro

Drive or Car pool
Free parking at Victoria Park Golf Club
Drop passengers at QMIR
10 min walk to QIMR for driver
800m but 18m drop and 8m climb in elevation
10 min walk back to Lunch for driver & passengers
driver walks & returns to ferry passengers to lunch
Paid parking at Herston Rd multistory carpark
$30 for up to 3 hrs
then drive to Victoria Park Bistro for lunch
- Guests who are unsteady on their feet, use a walking aid or wheelchair are not permitted inside a lab, so will not be able to participate in the Lab tour.
- This is to protect guests and lab staff from any accidents. You will need to move quickly if an evacuation of a lab space is required.
- Some walking involved, and you may be standing in a lab for 15-20 minutes. There are No seats.
- Be sure to be comfortable on your feet if you wish to participate in this part of the tour.
- People with mobility issues are still welcome to come for the visit, it is just that they cannot go on the lab tour section.
- Guests participating in the lab visit must wear closed in shoes.
Josephine & Bob